Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Listen to the Sounds of Nature All Over ther World

I found this wonderful way to explores the nature sounds...

Try it! and don't forget to leave a comment into the blanket box...

(Click at the title)

Thursday, 23 January 2014



A hoe is an ancient and versatile agricultural tool used to move small amounts of soil. Common goals include weed control by agitating the surface of the soil around plants, piling soil around the base of plants (hilling), creating narrow furrows (drills) and shallow trenches for planting seed and bulbs, to chop weeds, roots and crop residues, and even to dig or move soil, such as when harvesting root crops like potatoes.

Una azada es una herramienta agrícola antigua y versátil que se utiliza para mover pequeñas cantidades de suelo. Metas comunes incluyen el control de malezas mediante la agitación de la superficie del suelo alrededor de las plantas, amontonando tierra alrededor de la base de las plantas (aporque), la creación de surcos estrechos (taladros) y zanjas poco profundas para la siembra de semillas y bulbos, para cortar las malas hierbas, raíces y residuos de los cultivos, e incluso a excavar o mover del suelo, por ejemplo, cuando la cosecha de los cultivos de raíces como la patata.

Animals in danger

Hi, kids... do you like this picture? would you mind to comment what do you think about the phrase? 

Collaborate is one of the most important attitude of a good blogger

La frase dice: 

Thursday, 16 January 2014

The garden by Paula and Victoria

The garden

Last year in 5º grade we started the garden in our school.
We were very nervous because we had a lot of things to do.
First, we cleanned it because it was full of leaves,
Roots and weeds.
Secondly, we diged the ground to aerate it.
After that, we planted the seeds. The seeds were planted in different ways: in grooves or scattered, then we covered with the soil and we watered them.
Afterwords, we had to wait for one month for the plants to grow.
When the plants were big, the flowers started to grow. After one week the fruits started to grow from the flowers.
Nowadays there are a lot of types of fruit: lettuce, tomato…
See you soon!!
Victoria and Paula

dibujos animados vector de material vegetal imagen

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Thoughts and collaboration....

Hi, kids... do you like this picture? would you mind to comment what do you think about the phrase? 

Collaborate is one of the most important attitude of a good blogger

La frase dice: 

Friday, 10 January 2014

Growing a garden

Hello everyone,

We started a project which we are really excited to share with you.
It´s about our beloved garden which we feel needs more attention.

1st TERM:

Last November, we started working in our school garden.
As you know, our garden has been resting for a while and now it´s time to awaken it.
We are going to tell you what we have done with it.

In November ,we have been waiting for the rain to come. The eco- school told us that we have to dig the ground to get fresh air for the plants, and the best time to do it is when the ground is wet, making it easier to dig.

After doing that, we have cleaned the garden. We saw the soil that was in perfect condition and it had all the nutrients necessary to plant.

Here we are cleaning the garden and digging the ground:

Our garden is separated in five different squares.
In the first square starting from your left, we planted raddish, carrots and peas.
The way to plant carrots and raddish is by spreading out the seeds. Then you will have to cover the seeds with soil using the rake, as you can see in this picture.

To ensure getting a pea plant, you will have to put two seeds.
Here, we are planting peas:

Look at the white seed peas, can you see them?

In the second square starting from your left, we transplanted cabbages and red cabbages.
In this case, we did grooves in the ground, this is an appropriate technique to water your garden by dripping

The way to transplant cabbages and red cabbages is by making holes at the top part in the grooves using a green tool to make the holes. After doing this, you will have to pressure the ground softly with your hands, making sure the little plant has got support, as you can see in the picture above.

When we finish planting in the first square, we start to plant strawberries.
Here, we are digging the ground while mixing the complust to prepare it to accomodate the plantation of the strawberries:

The strawberry is a fruit that reproduces asexually, which means it reproduces by itself.
This part of the plant shown in the picture below represents the stolom of the plant. When it leans on the ground it will create new strawberry plants.

This is all that we have done in our garden, we look forward to nurturing it and we will keep you posted as to what we plan on doing.

I hope you have enjoyed this experience as much as we did,


Con estos videos queremos enseñaros lo importate que es cuidar el Medio Ambiente. 

Primero , os enseñamos lo impresionate que es nuestro planeta y las maravillas que él encierra. En los demás videos, aprenderás diferentes acciones que ayudarán a preservar nuestro planeta TIERRA.

1. BBC Human Planet.


2. Utiliza bombillas de bajo consumo. Tendrás los mismos resultados utilizando menos energía.

3.No productas tanto CO2.

4. Ahorra en consumo del agua. 
No hay agua para todos. Recuerda que en nuestro planeta tan sólo hay un 1% de agua potable.

5. No tires basura al campo.
La basura prejudica terriblemente a los animales que habitan en la naturaleza.


6. No tires basura al mar y cuando vayas a la playa asegúrate de dejar todo limpio.

7. No te dejes los pilotos de stand by encendidos. Seguirán consumiendo energía.

8. Cuida de los animales. 
Su instito animal hace que recuerde lo mejor de su vida.
Mira lo que el león Cristian.

9.La noche estrellada.¡Qué tierno!

10. El Día y la noche